October Roundup: What All the Badass Women Are Reading, Watching, Doing and Listening to This Month

Check out what your fellow Badass Women’s Book Club members are reading, watching, doing and listening to this month!


What all the Badass Women are Reading this month…

The National Book Foundation has announced the finalists for the National Book Awards. You can see all of the finalists here.

One of the finalists for the Best Nonfiction book is The Yellow House: A Memoir by Sarah Broom.  The book focuses on the author, her family and their hometown of New Orleans. It’s deep and moving – and was a must-read for me, given my own New Orleans connection.  You can read an interview with the author here.  I also included this book in a recent post about memoirs for, by and about badass women. You check out all of those recommendations here.

“For those of us who cook frequently, planning and strategizing for meals becomes background noise. It's part of the mental load, the running list of small decisions and knowledge required to maintain a household.” This article, It’s So Much More Than Cooking, is one more example of the balance women are so often trying to strike between work and home.  This recent blog post recommends several books for how to manage all.the.things. 

Don’t Ask Me to Do Office Housework! If you’re tired of doing all the housework at home, you certainly don’t want to it at work. Check out this article for strategies to how to stop volunteering for it!

There are some great books that came out this month! Check them out here!

There are some great books that came out this month! Check them out here!

What all the Badass Women are Watching this month…

The movie Hustlers. Inspired by a true story, it’s #womensupportingwomen.

Simone Biles win and win and win.  “It’s important to teach our female youth that it’s OK to say, 'Yes, I am good at this,' and you don’t hold back,”  Check out this article to read more about Biles’ embracing her greatness. I love her confidence!

“Instead of trying to move mountains, just move yourself to action.” I loved this article about four career lessons to learn from Biles.

Speaking of confidence, are you following along on our Weekly Badass Boost Challenge? This month is all about actions you can take to build your confidence. New challenges are posted every Monday – you can follow along here.

What all the Badass Women are Doing this month…

Thinking about running for office. Have you ever thought about running for office?  Lizzo hopes you will – and she’s got some strong words of encouragement for you!

This book was created for teens – but it’s good stuff for adults, too!

This book was created for teens – but it’s good stuff for adults, too!

What all the Badass Women are Listening To…

If you’re not watching the debates how about checking out some podcasts?  Marie Claire magazine has picked the best political podcasts – and it includes one of my faves, Two Broads Talking Politics, which features badass Rebecca Sive, author of Vote Her In.

Speaking of podcasts, Shonda Rhimes has signed a deal to create a new slate of podcasts with iHeart Media.  Rhimes’ book, Year of YES, was our hugely popular December 2019 book club book.


Liz Craft and Sara Fain, co-hosts of the Happier in Hollywood podcast, interviewed badass woman author, Felicia Day, about her new book, Embrace Your Weird: Face Your Fears and Unleash Your Creativity. (I love a good book/workbook and this is one!) You can listen to the interview here.


Looking for books and gifts for you and the badass women in your life? Visit our Badass Women’s Book Club Online Store!  I do earn a small commission from sales made from this site (and the links above!) – so thank you in advance for your support!

Gina Warner