Setting Your Mantra for 2021: Simple, Step-by-Step Guide for a Successful Year

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Funny, not funny – right?

I shared in an earlier newsletter that, even though I’m normally a “New Years Enthusiast”, I was struggling to get myself organized and focused for 2021. And, truthfully, the events of the last week have not helped.

Thankfully, I did carve out some time for myself to create my mantra for 2021. And it’s been surprisingly uplifting, helping me tap into some of that enthusiasm I had been missing.

First, why is creating a mantra important? For me, it’s an anchor for the year – it helps keep me focused on all that I want to accomplish.  And, because it is so reflective of me – and what I know and need – it gives me strength when I feel my resolve faltering or I find myself getting overwhelmed.  

Also – here’s a real bonus - creating a mantra (and referring to it frequently) can help you train your brain to think more positively.

So how do you do it?

The first thing you need to do is just a “stream of consciousness” writing experience. Just brain dump – onto paper, in a doc – about the areas of your life in which you are feeling stuck, feeling discouraged.  As badass woman author, Sallie Holder put it  -“this exercise is the best way to smoke out the sneaky, stuck, hidden beliefs that are holding you back.”

Spend some time doing this - set a timer for three minutes.  Even when you think you are finished, just sit in it. I promise you’ll find more. Let the timer run for the full three minutes.

When that’s done, take a look at what you wrote. Focus on what’s recurring – what do you see coming up time and again?  

What did I see for myself?  Impatience, frustration, wanting more success and wanting it more quickly. None of this was a surprise to me because I’m an Enneagram 3. I’m focused on accomplishments, achievements – and I’m easily frustrated when they don’t happen fast enough. Too often I want to say “this isn’t working – I need to start over from scratch” without giving things the time they need to be successful.

Frankly, this wasn’t a surprise to me. I know I’m an Enneagram 3 – all of these frustrations reflect what I know are some of my biggest weaknesses. So – PERSIST.

My other word – BOLDLY--  reflects my on-going struggle with imposter syndrome.   

So, my mantra for 2021…

2021 Mantra.png

I think knowing yourself is a valuable part of the mantra – and understanding your Enneagram type can help. This post has a link to a free Enneagram quiz plus great book suggestions for each type.  

Now, how to keep your mantra it top-of-mind? Here are 4 easy ideas to ensure that you can stay focused on your mantra and use it to drive your success this year.

Make it colorful. I used Canva to create what I shared above (Canva is a user-friendly graphic design tool for non-graphic designers).  I’ll now save the design, print it out on cardstock, and put it somewhere I can see it often. But you don’t need to be that formal – you can also draw it, paint it, or even collage letters from magazines. I just find that something colorful and appealing draws my eye and keeps me focused on it.

Take 3 sticky notes. Write your mantra on each one. Put one by your bed, one on your bathroom mirror and one by your desk. I like this method because chances are, your mantra isn’t just work-related. This ensures you’re going to see it throughout your day, bringing your focus back to these words.

Make an appointment. I hope I’m not the only person who sends myself messages via email or puts reminders on my calendar?  I use Outlook for my calendar – but this would work with any system, and even with a good, old paper calendar. Pick a date – maybe the 15th of each month – and put your mantra in the appointment spot. When it shows up on your daily calendar, take a moment to reflect on how it’s going, remembering the process that brought you to those words, and re-commit your focus.

Find an accountability partner.  Share this process with a friend. Ask them to check in with you (can be phone or email) in a month to see how you are doing staying focused on your mantra. 

That’s it! An easy, step-by-step process and 4 simple accountability ideas.

Want to share your mantra with our community?  Post it on Instagram and tag @badasswomensbookclub. I’ll be sure to share it with all the badass women!


I think knowing yourself is a valuable part of the mantra creation process – and understanding your Enneagram type can help. This post has a link to a free Enneagram quiz plus great book suggestions for each type.  The Badass Women’s Book Club Online Store (see below) has a whole section on Enneagram books if you are eager to learn more about your type!

Looking for more books (and gifts) for you and the badass women in your life? Visit our Badass Women’s Book Club Online Store!  I do earn a small commission from sales made from this site (and the links above!) – so thank you in advance for your support!

Gina Warner