Badass Boost: Individual Strengths Coaching Session

Badass Boost: Individual Strengths Coaching Session


Have you ever found yourself wondering, “I don’t know what I want, but I know it’s not this?” Are you unsure of your next step? Are you wondering what’s next for you – personally or professionally? These might have all been thoughts you’ve had before, but now that you’re re-entering the world after a year on hold, it seems like there is a certain urgency to finding the answer. Maybe what you need is a “Badass Boost” - a powerful personal growth exercise to help you move forward with confidence and direction. The package includes a personal strengths assessment, a 60-minute consultation, an action plan template, and a personalized reading list.

Upon purchase, I will reach out within 48 hours with a link to the online strengths assessment for you to complete and a link to schedule your session.

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