Our April Book: Comparisonitis

It creeps up on you without warning—perhaps while chatting with a friend, scrolling through social media, or even just while walking down the street. All it takes is the hint of someone doing or having something you perceive as "better" than you, and it hits. A feeling takes over—intense, blinding, gutting. Your brain starts spinning with toxic thoughts about yourself (or others), and you're left feeling ashamed, guilty, and even worthless. It's called comparisonitis. And if you've suffered from it, you're NOT alone. Comparisonitis is a contagious, socially transmitted condition that occurs when you compare yourself to others so frequently and fiercely that you're left paralyzed, with your confidence in tatters and your self-worth plummeting.


Described as a "self-help guru" by Elle magazine, Melissa has experienced the effects of comparisonitis firsthand, having worked extensively in industries like acting, modeling and dancing where comparison culture is not only rampant but openly encouraged. Melissa knows all too well how comparisonitis is infecting our minds and hurting our hearts, and in this book, she'll help you heal from this disease, liberate your headspace, and raise your self-worth so radically that you'll never let comparison rob you of your joy and happiness again.


You can read more and get your copy here.

Gina Warner